The online racing simulator


Created in collaboration with : Gutholz
requires version 0.7B and up
Uploaded by :
Skin ID :
Approved :
Published :
(version 4)
Downloads :
11656 - online now : 0
Access :
Vehicle class :
Drive side :
Fixed to left
Engine :
1.4 litre inline 4 / Rear wheel drive
Power :
90 kW (120 bhp) @ 6906 rpm
Torque :
145 Nm (107 lbft) @ 4582 rpm
Total mass :
641 kg (1412 lbs)
Power-weight :
140 W / kg (191 bhp/ton)
Transmission :
H-pattern gearbox
Fuel tank size :
50 litres
Comments (55)
Changelog (3)
Setups (0)


Form 07 - Little RR racing cars
Form 07 is based on a real life racing series.
This little racing cars have real engine, real wheel drive.
By racing series rules they fit a 1.4L 4cil Engine wich makes 120hp.
Fixed gearbox with open diff and 4 gears.

About the mod itself.
All has been made from scratch (except LFS bits)
-From scratch physics
-From scratch sounds
-From scratch 3D model

The mod have all lods done
most important features working

we might update the interior steering wheel and few other things, but it is a finished mod atm.

3D modelling and texturing: Fangio86 aka FAN_RJS
Physics and sound: Pela667 aka Rodriguiño
Custom Skin (love2d): Gutholz


v1_1.jpg  v1_2.jpg  v1_3.jpg  v1_6.jpg  8.jpg  1.jpg  2.jpg  wr.jpg  9.jpg 


Overall :
Technical :
Graphical :
Physics :
Animation :
Engine sound :

Copyright Information

License applicable to elements used in this Vehicle Mod

The author of this Vehicle Mod has indicated that this work is an original creation and has provided the following description of the approach:
3D model made from scratch by me

Redistribution / modification permission

The author of this Vehicle Mod has provided the following license, defining how this work can be redistributed, shared or modified:

License type : LFS Vehicle License
Derivatives are allowed : NO

Intellectual property

This Vehicle Mod is inspired by another vehicle.
The model is inspired on a real low budget racing class from Argentina.


Vehicle Mods have to undergo a review process to hopefully avoid any future disputes about inappropriate or unauthorised content.
If however some detail has been overlooked during the review process and you wish to address this, you can file a dispute by contacting the LFS developers.
We will review every report and typically get back to you within 48 hours.